Masters of our destiny

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¿No está en tu librería habitual? ¡Dínoslo!

Masters of our destiny


Is it possible to balance professional, family and personal life? This is, without doubt, the key question being asked by everybody as one of the chief problems that remain unsolved in our society. This book, written by renowned specialists, provides us with the answers to tackle this complex situation. The authors have based their solutions on their extensive knowledge and experience of the subject in many countries.
In order to achieve professional-family conciliation, governments and legislators must be involved. There must also be flexible entrepreneurial practices and an effort from the individual. But most of all, it is our own will to improve the reality that we live in and to become the masters of our destiny that will allow us to achieve a harmonious equilibrium between what we give and what we receive from society. This book, replete with in-depth reflections and practical examples, offers both a practical and complete vision of the subject, and is able to inspire multiple methods of solving the conflicts present in our daily, hectic lives.

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Libros IESE
Economía y Empresa
  • Castellano
Depósito legal
NA 1529-2013
16 cm
23 cm
Fecha publicación

Sobre Nuria Chinchilla Albiol (Escritor)

  • Nuria Chinchilla Albiol
    Nuria Chinchilla: profesora de Dirección de Personas en las Organizaciones en IESE Business School, Universidad de Navarra, y titular de la Cátedra Carmina Roca y Rafael Pich-Aguilera de Mujer y Liderazgo. Fundadora del International Center for Work & Family (IESE Business School... Ver más sobre el autor

Sobre Maruja Moragas Freixa (Escritor)

  • Maruja Moragas Freixa
    Licenciada en Filosofía y Letras. Doctora en Dirección de Empresas; Profesora y directiva en el IESE. Colaboró activamente en el International Center for Work and Family (ICWF) y en el Women's Lobby del IESE. Ver más sobre el autor

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