Management and Christian Ethics

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Management and Christian Ethics

Some criticism of the role of the company in society and the necessity to overcome many current dysfunctions in business bring the need for new ways to understand the company and the task of entrepreneurs and managers, and directors. In this context, Bishop Javier Echevarría’ reflections included in this volume, in three short but incisive writings, are relevant. They may open up horizons on the Christian perspective of business.
Bishop Echevarría reflects on the esteem of Jesus for entrepreneurs, highlighting the central role of the virtues in business activity, and the importance of the unity of life and spirituality in managerial work. He presents the Christian view of the company and its purpose and reflects on the manager’s mission of service, which entails justice and love. He also emphasizes various ethical and social aspects involved in managing companies and concludes by proposing Christian humanism as a fundamental guideline for management.
The volume is preceded by a prologue and a broad introduction that puts the writings of Bishop Echevarría in context and points out their most important elements. An epilogue reflects on the central writings to outline a potential profile of a Christian manager.

Edición en papel
11,00 €

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Astrolabio Economía y Empresa
Economía y Empresa, Empresa
  • Castellano
Depósito legal
NA 2156-2018
21,5 cm
14,5 cm
Fecha publicación

Sobre Javier Echevarría Rodríguez (Escritor)

  • Javier Echevarría Rodríguez
    (Madrid, 14 de junio de 1932-Roma, 12 de diciembre de 2016). Obispo, prelado del Opus Dei. Nació en Madrid, en una familia profundamente cristiana. Inició sus estudios en el colegio de los Marianistas, en San Sebastián, y continuó su formación en Madrid, en el Colegio Chamberí de... Ver más sobre el autor

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