Africa rising? Navigating the nexus between rhetoric and emerging reality


The chapters in the book highlight the increasing and perhaps problematic conversation in the international political arena of the Africa arising narrative. The bookprovides a critical insight in the political, IKS, security and economic nuances generated by the Africa rising conceptual predilection.
Navigating from it most mundane to the ephemeral, the chapters capture in a critical and persuasive fashion the meandering contours of the changing reality of Africa in the twenty-first century. It draws on a good mix of case studies and theoretical explanations making use of relevant literature.
Dr. Nicasius Achu Check Senior Research Specialist, Africa Institute of South Africa
A research Institute within the Human Sciences Research Council

The book cuts a path through the discourse on Africa rising very well and contributes something of value to the debate. The strength of the book lies in the deployment of data making it largely evidence-based and led. The volume adds value to the study of Africa through its generation and should act as a building block for further volumes until Africa is comprehensively covered.
Prof. Stephen Chan OBE School of Orient and African Studies United Kingdom

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19,90 €

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Ciencias Sociales
  • English
Depósito legal
NA 1264-2020
17 cm
24 cm
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Sobre Norman Sempijja (Escritor)

  • Norman Sempijja
    Dr. Norman Sempijja es profesor en de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Navarra. Se especializa en relaciones internacionales y ciencias políticas. Sus áreas clave de investigación son el mantenimiento de la paz internacional, la cooperación entre organizaciones, el ter... Ver más sobre el autor

Sobre Abraham Molope Kgame (Escritor)

  • Abraham Molope Kgame
    Mr. Abraham Kgame Molope is a lecturer in the subject group: politics and international relations at the Mafikeng Campus of the North West University. In addition to a professional teaching qualification, he has obtained a degree of Master of Arts in Peace Studies and Internation... Ver más sobre el autor